
Top Ways To Google AdSense Approved Fast Guidelines

Greetings to all visitors. Number of Active earnings Is Google AdSense Undoubtedly in the midst of the most Reliable and long-term income Way. I would like to say you, many of the bloggers earns more than One thousand dollars in a month. And you also can be a thousand dollars a month Earners by reading the later Discuss. However, the earnings Requires proper planning, patience and willing to work. Many folks when AdSense approve Began to realize income! The real work will begin start after approve AdSense. First time AdSense was very easy to get. But currently somewhat difficult. Don’t worry! Because this article basically will provide detailed guideline on how easily AdSense can be approve. So, kindly read this post very

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1. Use Quality Contents

Your content should completely original, fresh and unique. Copy and paste cannot be post in your site any way. You should Be Serious to Choose Content Images. Some people think that Google cannot find out any copy righted image. This idea is totally wrong! Always think that Google is more than smart to you. So, after reading this post be careful to choose content images. If your site already have copyrighted image then remove them immediately. Because if you use copyrighted images then your AdSense will not approve and you will lose you search engine rank.
Note: if you using copy righted image after approving AdSense then you can any time get banned by Google AdSense!

2. Publish Latest, Quality full and enough Content

Google always approves such type of site that have Sufficient/enough and good quality contents for their visitor. So, you need to make and publish over 35 to 40 high quality posts on your site before applying for an approval.

3. Build a Niche Site

Make a Niche website by using some related topics in your site contents. Niche site will helps you to get a better search engine rank and after approving AdSense account it will help you to earn a good amount of money form AdSense. But some people make their site with Quinary topics. For example, they are use topics like: Technology, sports, health, general knowledge etc. Apply for Google AdSense Such a mixed site will not the easiest approve! However, after approving your AdSense account you can publish posts with different topics. For example, Photoshop Tutorials When creating the site, only Photoshop Post of the tutorial. Here’s do not post Programming Tutorials. However, after approving AdSense you can publish other tutorials.
Remember, do not try to make completely change the topics of your site. Because Google don’t like it!

4. Website Don’t Have AdSense Prohibited Content

Google AdSense prohibited some contents. So, you must should prohibited those kinds of contents.
Hare is a AdSense Prohibited Topics/Contents list.
  • Adult content
  • Content that advocates against an individual, group, or organization
    Copyrighted material
  • Drug, alcohol, and tobacco-related content
  • Hacking and cracking content
  • Sites that offer compensation programs (“pay-to” sites)
  • Sites that use Google Brand features
  • Violent content
  • Weapon-related content
  • Other illegal content
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5. Make SEO friendly website

Optimize you Blog Post and pages with proper Meta Tags and description and Make It Search Engine Friendly.

6. Create Some Special Page

Build some pages like; About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Table of contents or Sitemap, etc. About us page will describe your own or a brief on the site. Similarly, use Site Privacy policy features, the reader How to use site Up to short etc.

7. Use AdSense support language

Create your website by using AdSense supported language. Because Applications for participation in the Google AdSense program can be for sites with content primarily in 36 languages.


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